Fa Intestinal Flukes - Parasites online

Intestinal Flukes

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Heterophyes heterophyes :
- Disease : heterophyiasis
- Geographical distribution: Egypt and far east
- Habitat :small intestine
- DH: man and fish eating animals: dogs and cats (RH)
- 1st IH : snail: Pirenella conica
- 2nd IH : Mugil (boury) and Tilapia (bolty)

Morphology Adult worm :
- Pear shape 1.5 mmx0.5 mm
- Has 3 suckers: oral, ventral and genital sucker around genital pore.
- Two testes beside each other
- One ovary lies anterior to testes
- Simple intestinal caeca

Life cycle of Heterophyes :
- Infective stage: encysted metacercaria in fish muscle
- Mode of transmission is by ingestion of insufficiently cooked or salted fish (less than 10 days) containing encysted metacercaria.
- In the small intestine , metacercaria excysts and lodged between the villi and develops to an adult worm.

Diagnosis :
I. Clinical diagnosis: Clinical picture
II. Laboratory:
Stool examination for egg (diagnostic stage).
- Size:30x17u
- Colour: Golden yellow
- Shell: Thick shell with operculum.
- Content: Miracidium

Treatment :
-Praziquantel: 25 mg/kg/day for 1 or 2 days.

Prevention and control :
1- Avoid eating insufficiently cooked or salted fish.
2- Avoid defecation in water.
3- Snail control.
4- Treatment of patients

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